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tight psoas

How to Fix a Tight Psoas

January, 2024
When students first meet with a Gokhale Method® teacher they are sometimes surprised to learn that one of the reasons for their back pain is a tight psoas muscle. What does this little-known muscle, embedded deep within our bodies, have to do with back pain? And what do we need to do to have it recede in the background and leave our backs alone? Read more

Dentists and Neck Pain

May, 2024
Next time you are in the dentist chair, spare a thought for your dentist’s posture and the postural demands of their job. Doing dental procedures shares many challenges with other surgical procedures, such as having to maintain a steady position for long periods, maintain a clear line of vision, and hold and manipulate tools with precision. Working in the oral cavity of a conscious patient is a pretty significant challenge. Read more