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Persistent back pain even after following 8 steps for months

artmonster's picture
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago
07/14/2019 - 7:32am
Persistent back pain even after following 8 steps for months


I've been following the 8 steps for a few months now and they've been a huge help in improving my posture and alleviating the various chronic pains I suffered from. I still have persistent muscular lumbar back pain in a specific spot though (see attached image).

Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing it?

I've tried acupuncture and massage to alleviate the pain but they've both been unsuccessful. I'd appreciate any help on this. Thank you.


Rachel Margaret
Rachel Margaret's picture
Last seen:
2 months 4 weeks ago
08/26/2018 - 4:08am

Hi, do you live (or travel) anywhere near a Gokhale Method teacher (https://gokhalemethod.com/teachers-search)? A teacher would be better able to help you in person, either in an Initial Consultation or by taking the Gokhale Method Foundations course in which all the techniques in the 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back are taught in a hands-on way.

Rachel Margaret
Rachel Margaret's picture
Last seen:
2 months 4 weeks ago
08/26/2018 - 4:08am

Hi, I have asked other teachers if anyone has any useful advice for you:

"Tricky to be sure from a picture, especially as he is slightly twisting to point to the pain point, but it looks to me that his right side has more prounounced muscles than on the left side. Taking a guess he might be right side dominant. 

If  (and it is a big if) this is the case then I would expect his right foot to kidney bean shape better than his left. I would also expect his right hand to be stronger than his left.  

To strengthen the left foot inchworm work on that side would be great, especially moving backwards.

If you are into evolutionary biology you might be familiar with the idea of pentadactyl limbs, all land vertebrates have limbs that essentially variations on a theme - our hands/arms and feet/legs are not identical but basically the same. We teach to grab with the feet - the hands are even better at doing that.

My guess is that he needs to strengthen and use his left hand/arm more. Every day type actions that could be used might include:

turning a key in a lock

using chopsticks

using scissors or secateurs

anything that triggers any kind of grab action in the hand. 

Hope that helps."

And also, if this persists, consult with a health care provider.


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