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muscle memory

Teaching My 95-Year-Old Lithuanian Mom the Gokhale Method, Part 2

June, 2020
My mom had beautiful posture when she was young, as you can see in the photo above. Healthy posture has helped her age well. After working with some Gokhale Method techniques, her pain has subsided. She now sleeps better and has more energy. I recently took the opportunity to teach her a new technique to help with her housework. One is never too old to learn a few Gokhale Method tricks. And we never know what changes are possible until we try! Read more

The Gokhale™ Wedge for Relaxed, Upright Sitting

March, 2023
In this blog post I am excited to introduce a wedge for stacksitting to our students and readers. It’s possible to experience and take pleasure in sitting as you work at your desk, eat at your table, or play an instrument. If this is not the case for you, the Gokhale Wedge could make it so. Read more