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feeling uncomfortable

legend_018's picture
Last seen:
14 years 3 weeks ago
04/12/2010 - 6:53pm
feeling uncomfortable
I know there was some discussion about this in the book. I've been trying to practice step #1 and step #2. I'm also trying to incorporate Step #3, but mostly concentrating on 1 and 2. I guess I want to make sure i'm on the right track. I feel I'm doing the stretch seat good, not sure if I can get to the point where there is actually skin folded up in the back (?). However, what I'm noticing is my middle back starting to get really tired, especially with step #2. I notice that I really want to hung my shoulders down after a little while and I'm a bit confused about my neck. If I elongate my neck and try to keep it in that position - well sometimes I feel like I look stiff. Like when a person has an actual back problem and they walk like there stiff. So in some form, it doesn't feel relaxed/comfortable.
Maya's picture
Last seen:
5 years 11 months ago
09/16/2008 - 4:29pm
Often when people do the Stacksitting, it doesn't feel completely relaxed and sustainable at first. Realize that your body needs to adjust - some muscles needs to stretch out and get used to being used a bit differently, so if you start feeling a bit tired in the mid-back especially after Stacksitting for a while, that doesn't necessarily mean you are doing anything wrong. I encourage you to continue doing Stretchsitting as often as you can, and just Stacksitting for a few minutes a day and whenever you don't have the option of Stretchsitting. Whichever way you are sitting, do not try to hold or pull the shoulders back. Do the shoulder roll and then relax them down - they won't stay as far back as you put them but over time they will settle farther back.
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