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Stretchsitting vs Shirtsliding

Joelme's picture
Last seen:
5 years 4 weeks ago
11/23/2018 - 11:00am
Stretchsitting vs Shirtsliding

Here in the East (PA) it is definitely Winter with cold weather often. The 8 STEPS book shows photos with lots of bare torsos and thin tight-fitting outfits, but it is too brrr cold for that around here.

I am just starting with stretchsitting and today I received a Stretchsit Cushion. Trying it out feels very good, but mostly it is my clothing that is moving, instead of my muscles stretching.

How can I put traction on my spine without most of the changes happening to my shirt??




Aurelia Vaicekauskas's picture
Last seen:
6 hours 40 min ago
10/29/2013 - 4:01pm

Hello Joel,

I am so excited you are working on Stretchsitting and now you got your Stretchsit Cushion!

I am in Chicago and layers are "the Thing" for me to staying warm on days like these. Strechsitting shouldn't be a problem even with several layers, I manage to get some traction in my back while driving even with my down coat. The fact that it feels good and that you are getting your clothing bunched up when Stretchsitting indicates that you are going in the right direction. If you haven't yet, I would highly recomend  looking at this video:  https://shop.gokhalemethod.com/products/stretchsit-cushion?variant=31040686929 (once you click on the link you will need to scroll all the way down to get to the 2 videos) and do it together step by step together with Esther. Once you get to the steps where you lengthened your back by curving forward and then added aditional lengthening with your arms, pay special attention that you are hinging back far enough. You want to hinge all the way back until you feel you are firmly attached to the back rest of the chair and only then you let go, relax and move on to Shoulder Rolls. Sometimes people don't go back far enough and that results in a less effective Stretchsitting; the clothing gets picked up but not much of the skin.

And lastly, see if there is a Free Workship near you- there is no substitute for the hands-on work! 

 I hope this helps, and stay warm!


Aurelia Vaicekauskas

Gokhale Method Teacher

Joelme's picture
Last seen:
5 years 4 weeks ago
11/23/2018 - 11:00am

Thanks! Yes, it is just a matter of my shirt getting pushed up. I want to give all that pressure to my spine.



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