I have been looking for a while for some basic postural instruction to address a variety of misalignments, especially on the left side of my body. I found out about the Gokhale Method from Dr. Joseph Mercola's newsletter, and I have the book on loan from the library. I feel very excited about it.
Since starting stretchsitting, I have been experiencing pain on my left side, middle back, going around from the back to the front of my rib cage. It can also be aggravated through stretchlying. I am a side sleeper (haven't gotten that far in the book) but I have to use a pillow now to support my rib cage and arm when sleeping to lessen the rib pain, which flares up in that position. Most of the day I don't feel it. Did I just overdo it? Should I continue to do stretchsitting and lying, or lay off for a while? Is this normal?
2 days 18 hours ago
12/05/2013 - 11:02am
Hello Debbie:
Thank you for your post and that is great about the referral from Dr. Mercola. As Esther says: "too much of a good thing" is probably what happened. Ease off a bit and I think your intuition was correct about over doing it.
-amy smith