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Stacksitting causes extreme pain - I have low back kyphosis

Rinconette's picture
Last seen:
1 year 6 months ago
11/29/2018 - 7:50pm
Stacksitting causes extreme pain - I have low back kyphosis

I have a kyphotic curve in my spine just above my waist (like the image on p77 of 8steps, but more pronounced) and any attempts to stacksit cause pain, as does any attempt to mobilise my L5S1 joint. I've done the foundations course and even under the guidance of a teacher, I couldn't stacksit on even the lowest wedge. 
Stretchlying and stretch sitting on the other hand are wonderful and the stretch sit cushion has transformed air travel for me. 
ShouId I give up on stacksitting? Maybe my pelvis is better left where it is, which is in a fairly neutral position?

Last seen:
1 week 5 days ago
04/08/2015 - 6:54am

Hello Rinconette,

Deep apologies for somehow missing your post!  I was going through old emails and found it...  What you describe makes sense, as stacksitting can be very challenging when we have a right-left imbalance in the spine.  Stretchsitting is best for you, but occasionally you will have no choice but to stacksit.  It will take a lot of trial and error to find what works for you - the higher the chair, the easier it often is, because if there are tight hamstrings, they will pull you in a tuck in a lower chair.  It's hard to tell without seeing you.  Tou could do a one-time lesson with a teacher, in person or on-line, and focus on stacksitting to help you figure some things out.  I understand that bending at L5S1 is uncomfortable for you, so it sounds like you have inflammation in the joint.  If it's been tucked for a long time, it can be very inflammed.  Stretchsitting and stretchlying should help with that over time.  You probably need more than a thin wedge in order to sufficiently antevert the pelvis.  Again, that will have to experimented with.  Don't despair!  It's taken me a long time to start to understand why certain chairs aggravated my back and to know how to make adjustments.  I hope this helps a little!

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