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Headaches and neck spasms

jenberg's picture
Last seen:
14 years 5 months ago
02/02/2010 - 12:26pm
Headaches and neck spasms
I am 33, and after 17 years of chronic headaches/neck pain/back pain, and after countless visits to doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and massage therapists, I am so happy to find Esther's book!  I believe that most of my pain has been due to poor posture, and then mis-correction for that posture, which in turn created new back issues.  In addition, I have some stenosis and bone spurs between C6 and C7.  So that's enough background info--on to my question.  I have been using the steps in the book for about a week, and have had really great results in my low to mid back area.  I no longer have numbness down my legs when I sit, and can alternate between stretchsitting and stacksitting when I start to feel discomfort in my low back.  However, I am getting muscle spasms in my neck, which is causing some pretty good headaches for me.  I am really trying to roll my shoulders and relax them, and to straighten my neck then relax it, but after sitting at my desk at work for a couple of hours my shoulder/neck area is really spasming.  Is there something I should be doing differently??
Maya's picture
Last seen:
6 years 1 month ago
09/16/2008 - 4:29pm
jenberg, How has your neck been? I hope you listened to your body and backed off a little bit, and that the muscle spasms have calmed down. We like to use the analogy that tight muscles tend to act like frightened animals - you have to coax them into submission. So if you have tight muscles (in the neck especially), you do want to lengthen (and straighten, as you mentioned), but just ever so slightly at first, especially if you have a tendency to spasm.
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