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Feldenkrais palms

keyboardclass's picture
Last seen:
13 years 1 month ago
12/11/2009 - 4:39am
Feldenkrais palms
I've just received my copy of the book.  Fantastic.  On page 18 it states that 'The arms are somewhat externally rotated so that the thumbs or even the palms, face forward.'  This is my experience also but Feldenkreis is opposite with knuckles facing forward like George W Bush used to walk.  Could you elucidate on this?
Last seen:
1 min 37 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
I didn't know Feldenkrais said to stand with knuckles forward. I wonder what the basis of his claim was. Do you know a source? People in traditional societies do not stand with their knuckles facing forward - neither do young children, Greek statues or any of the populations I study. I feel quite confident on this aspect. Facing the knuckles forward is usually accompanied by an internal rotation of the arm and some compromise of the brachial plexus (the network of veins, artieries and nerves running just under the pecs). Glad you like "8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back." I am encouraged by how many people seem to be benefitting.
keyboardclass's picture
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13 years 1 month ago
12/11/2009 - 4:39am
Here's a pic from a youtube video of a Feldenkrais session. From 9:00 here: [flash=200,200]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo99aLekHCc[/flash]
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1 min 37 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
This looks like Anat Baniel, who bases her work on Feldenkrais' work. Do we know that the arm position that Anat teaches is the same as what Feldenkrais taught? If you don't do a shoulder roll then this would be the relaxed default position for the shoulders/arms. But a shoulder roll allows you to get to a much better position without any tension or damage. And all the while that your shoulders are in a more posterior position, your pecs are getting a gentle stretch and adjusting to a longer resting length, your brachial plexus works in an unimpeded fashion and the circulation to your arms is improved, your respiration is fuller and rearchitectures your ribcage so that you have greater lung capacity (see how vertical the man in the blue's sternum is), and you are not working your upper back into a hunched shape. Relaxation is good, but if you can improve your structure by relaxing a different way, that is desirable.
keyboardclass's picture
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13 years 1 month ago
12/11/2009 - 4:39am
I believe it is Anat Baniel.  I was shown the knuckles forward posture by a student of Feldenkrais - so it does come from him.  Watch any Feldenkrais video and you'll see all the students trying their darndest to get palms facing back!
Last seen:
1 min 37 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
The good part is that they are relaxing their forearms and not forcing an external rotation at that level. It's higher up at the shoulder level that they could improve the situation. And then their knuckles wouldn't face forward (see pages 144-4, Figs. 6-15 and 6-16 in 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back.)
keyboardclass's picture
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13 years 1 month ago
12/11/2009 - 4:39am
If a picture's worth a thousand words your book is as long as the bible!  And every word as worthy! 
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1 min 37 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
That's a handy compliment!
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