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Feeling better but tingling sometimes in hands

Sweetbriar's picture
Last seen:
9 years 10 months ago
09/05/2009 - 8:08am
Feeling better but tingling sometimes in hands
Hi Esther, I'm doing good.  My neck feels so much better and my massage therapist was very impressed.  The odd thing though is I've developed intermittent tingling in my hands since I changed pillows.  My chiropracter said maybe it's a pinched nerve or maybe my body is just adjusting to the realignment I'm doing now.  Is this normal?  I think it's strange I'm having relief with my neck, no pain, just this tingling that comes and goes.  I've order the stretchsit cushion for my car.  Hoping it helps.  Should I be concerned or have you heard of this before.  After all I am 59. ;D  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Last seen:
12 min 7 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Tingling in the hands is not good. Some possibilities are that you are overstretching your neck or that you are rolling your shoulders too far back. Change is good, but too much change too suddenly is not good. Back off on all your new measures to the point where you no longer have tingling. Then slowly increase the extent to which you stretch your neck/back/pecs as your muscles reset to new resting lengths.
Sweetbriar's picture
Last seen:
9 years 10 months ago
09/05/2009 - 8:08am
The tingling is slowly resolving.  I got the stretchsit cushion.  I'm pleased with it.
Sweetbriar's picture
Last seen:
9 years 10 months ago
09/05/2009 - 8:08am
Esther, The tingling is gone.  I did back off considerably except for my new pillow, the stretchsit cushion for my car, being careful of posture while walking, sitting and standing.  My neck feels soooooooooooo good.  I believe this problem came on so slowly and so insiduously that I forgot what "normal" was supposed to feel like.  The area between my shoulder blades especially is feeling so loose and relaxed compared to before.  Turning my neck has become a pleasure.  I just had no idea how tight it had become.  Thank you so much.
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