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Using a Wedge with Lordosis

snyder6's picture
Last seen:
6 years 4 months ago
04/30/2018 - 5:15pm
Using a Wedge with Lordosis

Hi, I have Lordosis (an exaggerated curve in the lower back) and I wondered if I should be using a wedge to stacksit, or if that would make my problems worse.  I thought my pelvis was tilted forward in an unnatural way, but after reading the chapter on stacksitting, I'm really not sure.  What would you suggest regarding using a wedge with Lordosis?  Thanks!


Last seen:
1 week 5 days ago
04/08/2015 - 6:54am

Hello There!


Lordosis is unfortunately common in our society, so you are not alone in your struggle!  Lordosis is extra curvature of the lumbar spine, whereas I believe you are referring to the healthy curve that we all need lower down on the spine at L5S1.  This disc is the only one that is wedge-shaped, but if one tucks the pelvis over many years, the joint can become stiff and flat.  It is possible to be flat at L5S1 and curved higher up.  What is then needed is a two-fold process: to straighten the curve higher up and create more length through stretchsitting or stretchlying, and only then to create a "good" curve lower down through stacksitting and other techniques.  Stacksitting for long periods of time is not recommended for people who have some compression in the spine.  It is difficult to learn these techniques through a book alone, and I highly recommend that you take a course with a qualified Gokhale teacher.

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