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Rib Anchor Mechanics related to postural kyphosis question

Mark222's picture
Last seen:
4 years 11 months ago
05/24/2014 - 7:45am
Rib Anchor Mechanics related to postural kyphosis question


I have a minor postural kyphosis such that my lower back is lordotic when standing and looking in the mirror from the side.
When I engage the rib anchor making the front of my rib cage flush with my abdomen my pelvis rotates into the correct anteverted pelvic position and gets rid of the sway in my lower back.

Is the rib anchor supposed to be engaged at ALL times (standing, glidewalking) for people with a swayed lordotic lower back in order to keep a correctly anteverted pelvis?


Last seen:
7 hours 19 min ago
09/05/2014 - 6:51am

Hello Mark - If your habit has been to have a sway in the lumbar area most of the time, then it is a good practice to engage the rib anchor muscles as often as you can in all your activities.  You should also be sure to do the shoulder roll and glide your head back and elongate the back of the neck to help ease out of the upper back kyphosis.  

There are a couple of points in your message that aren't totally clear to me and may indicate a misunderstanding.  Engaging the rib anchor actually rotates the ribs, not the pelvis. Also, there isn't necessarily a cause and effect relationship between kyphosis and a sway in the lower back.  It would be great for you to see a teacher in person who can help clarify what's going on and give you personalized advice for your posture journey.

Thanks for writing!

Doreen Giles

Gokhale Method teacher


drvipin's picture
Last seen:
23 hours 42 min ago
10/14/2016 - 9:54am

Recently i attended your Gokhale foundation course, in Mumbai.
Today I had a walk in sports complex with my rib anchoring
And after that my back has become very sour,
Could that be the reason?
Can rib anchoring make your back sore and if yes,
What precautions to take,

Last seen:
7 hours 19 min ago
09/05/2014 - 6:51am

Hello - When we start to use our muscles in new ways, it's easy to overdo it, especially if we are trying so hard to do it perfectly that we become tense without realizing it.  Then we can get sore.

It's best to try for something between what is ideal and what is our old habit pattern.  Don't try to do it all perfectly right away!  You might try doing the rib anchoring a little less strongly and for less time.

I suggest you contact your teacher in Mumbai if this continues to be a problem.  Your teacher will probably have some good advice, since he or she has worked with you personally.

Thank you for writing.  Good luck with your Gokhale practice!

Doreen Giles

Gokhale Method teacher

ABLoved's picture
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago
07/19/2023 - 5:22pm

Thank you

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