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Kneeling posture

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Kneeling posture
Mrs. Gokhale, Thanks for writing this book - I've been waiting for it for years.  First, while kneeling, should one tighten the inner corset, and tilt the pelvis forward, or some other technique?  (I've had lower back discomfort while kneeling for several years now.)  (I kneel a lot in church.) Extra - I have an eleven year old son who has started slumping so he and I are going through your book together, and he is gradually increasing the exercises you list in the back.  Thanks for all the great photos of persons of all ages in your book.  Also, I impressed my Physical Therapist (went for hip pain, weak core muscles) with my arch muscles in my feet.  He said he had never seen anything like that before.  I wished he would've read your book.  He did glance through it and said, "That's what we want all of our patients to do." Again, thanks so much for your book and I also would buy a yoga DVD of yours. Thanks so much for setting up the forum and for taking the time to consider my questions. Lemontree
Last seen:
5 hours 26 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
I suspect that you are kneeling in a way that is similar to the way most people stand, i.e. with the pelvis parked forward. This then leads to extra curvature in your lower back, which in turn caused pain. You want to shift your pelvis back till it stacks over your knees, soften your groin and anchor your ribcage (engage your internal oblique muscles in your abdomen to the point that the lower border of the ribcage no longer juts out with a corresponding sway in the back). When you first do this, you are almost certainly going to feel like you are leaning forward unnaturally. Take a look in the mirror and you may be surprised to find yourself fairly upright. Even if you lean forward a little, that's okay. Let me know how this works out!
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Dear Esther, Thanks for your detailed answer on kneeling.  That's mostly what I've been trying for the past week.  I'll post  again after a few weeks and update my progress.  Thanks for making these boards and for being available to your fans. Lemontree
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Dear Esther, My abdominal muscles have gotten much stronger due to frequent use of my inner corset (I call it bracing), and kneeling is much more comfortable for my back now.  Thank you so much for your tips.  I love feeling strong when I use my newly founds muscles. Lemontree
mike_heal's picture
Last seen:
10 years 9 months ago
10/03/2013 - 6:45am

Regarding kneeling, I am curious to know what you think about the "kneeling chairs".  I have tried it and they feel comfortable and almost force you to keep a taller sitting posture.

irishaman's picture
Last seen:
9 years 11 months ago
08/07/2014 - 12:20pm

Hi Mike,


I agree I tried one out and it seemed to corrrect my posture instantly without any effort.  Would love to know what Esther thinks??????????????

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