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sitting in bed

rockethenry's picture
Last seen:
3 years 8 months ago
12/06/2012 - 5:04pm
sitting in bed

What is best way to sit in bed to watch tv or to read a book?  We have a high bed that is up against a wall.  Using a curved backrest with towel just doesn't work, whatever I do, trying to do stretchsitting.  Any suggestions?  Or should I be out of the bed and in a chair for this activity (which would be harder, being that my wife is in bed right next to me). 

Thank you for the help!

Last seen:
12 hours 37 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm

it takes a lot of pillows to create a good bed support for reading. You want room for your bottom (most commercially available triangular ones don't work - they force you to tuck), and you want support for your spine (preferably with gentle traction). I find it takes 7-8 pillows! Good luck!

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