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Soccer and Gokhale Method

Fred87's picture
Last seen:
4 months 3 weeks ago
03/20/2021 - 8:57am
Soccer and Gokhale Method

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to play soccer with a perfectly healthy posture, basically gokhale method kind of posture. 

R_Sandoval's picture
Last seen:
1 year 6 months ago
04/04/2016 - 7:18pm

A lot can happen on a soccer field and there's much out of your control when playing soccer. In my opinion you can you can work on maintaining a strong mind/body with the Gokhale Method Method in mind. It's not a guarantee to playing soccer with a perfectly healthy posture. Also to consider are playing surfaces. As far as I know athlete are more prone to injuries playing on artificial turf than on (soft and natural) grass. Best of luck!

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