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Left Foot Rolling outward (supinated) and Varicose veins on outside left knee

juliascusa's picture
Last seen:
3 years 4 months ago
10/13/2016 - 5:07pm
Left Foot Rolling outward (supinated) and Varicose veins on outside left knee

When walking, I notice I have a long habit of putting my weight on the outside edge of my left foot (supination). I also mainly have varicose veins on my left outside knee (currently pronounced from pregnancy). I believe there is a connection to the foot and knee problem. Any tips? I found only info about pronation (rolling inward).

Im in my mid 30s and took the foundations course a couple years ago.

Jonas Müller's picture
Last seen:
6 hours 15 min ago
01/11/2016 - 2:04am

This question has been moved to the correct forum topic.

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