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Knee pain

Kawi_girl's picture
Last seen:
3 years 5 months ago
03/26/2020 - 5:22am
Knee pain

I have been struggling now for over a year with patellofemoral pain in both knees. Have you helped anyone with this type of knee pain, and do you think the glidewalking technique would help? I've always thought I had a good stride and people say that I walk very assertively, yet I wonder if my step is actually too heavy, and maybe my stride length is larger than it should be.


thank you

Jacob K.
Jacob K.'s picture
Last seen:
2 years 10 months ago
07/16/2018 - 1:46pm

Moved forum question to "Glidewalking" section.

Last seen:
1 day 4 hours ago
11/09/2010 - 2:51pm


Thanks for your interest in the Gokhale Method. We have worked with many, many people with knee pain similar to what you describe and glidewalking can be really helpful in taking pressure and pain off the knees and also making your walk much more controlled and lighter. Proper posture in tall standing and glidewalking is essential in giving you healthy knee position and decreasing pain. Kidney bean shaping of the feet in the glidewalking also changes the angle of the knee to take pressure off the inside of the knee when you walk. It can be difficult to understand and master the art of glidewalking on your own. You might want to take a free online workshop to begin your introduction and then contact a Gokhale teacher to help give you the foundation in glidewalking to help support and heal your knees.

Good luck,

Roberta Cooks MD

Gokhale Teacher


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