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Skin contact with Stretchsit cushion

Mom_3boys's picture
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago
09/22/2009 - 11:12am
Skin contact with Stretchsit cushion

I live in upstate NY and with the fall season upon us, I am recognizing that I'm not getting much benefit while using my Stretchsit cushion anymore because of the thickness of my fleece jacket, outdoor jacket, sweaters, etc.  Does this mean I am using the Strechsit cushion wrong?  Especially with the image on the folding chair with having skin hang over the edge to be assured you are getting a sufficient stretch in the spine, I am finding myself pulling up my shirts in the back so I can get enough traction with my Stretchsit cushion to feel a real stretch.  Please let me know if I am focusing too much on the feeling of skin, pulling against the back of the chair, as opposed to a real spine stretch.

Last seen:
52 min 25 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
It's true that if your jacket is slippery or billowy or very thick, the Stretchsit cushion may not work as well to give you a stretch. It's also true that the more you use it (and the more stretchy your long back muscles become), the less force you will need to get a good length in your spine. Just a gentle pull from the nubs of the cushion will give a satisfying and therapeutic stretch. So even a thick jacket can work fine.

Don't focus too much on the pinch of skin I describe in the book - that's just one handy way to tell if you are stretched. If in doubt, you may want to lift or remove your jacket until (1) you can tell if you stretched and (2) you stretch more easily in response to the pull from the cushion.
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