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praise and suggestion

debjsd's picture
Last seen:
1 year 1 month ago
05/28/2010 - 3:03pm
praise and suggestion
Hi, I read an article in Qi Journal on Liver Qi stagnation and posture connection which lead me to your website/book. I am so excited and plan to take your course as soon as I can afford to and then later teach your technique. this is what has been missing for me (and my clients)! I had an accident 6 wks ago with a compression fracture at T5-- because I could not work and had too much pain to really concentrate on books I started reading all the old magazines that I had not had time to read. I wish I had read it sooner but I am here now! I am a Massage Therapist, a Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressurist/teacher and Dipl.ABT through the NCCAOM. I see your work as the perfect complement to what I do. I have been one of those who has been given wrong advice in some of my yoga and Qigong training or advice that I could not stick with because I was not getting the whole picture of how a spine should be! The pics in your book are so useful--I have been advising others to get your book also. Because I have missed so much work and have the unexpected medical bills it will be awhile before I can go anywhere to take your courses but even the book and google video has helped us(my husband too! this forum has helped me with a lot of the questions I had--I will 2nd others in DVD would be great! AS a JSD therapist we work with the emotional connection with health using bodymind focusing--I would like to see you explore more of this connection with posture. I know that my poor posture had a big connection to being abused as a child by my father--the hunched shoulders in a protective mode like a turtle. I have al so worked with many clients with similiar issues.
Last seen:
2 hours 4 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
I know the feeling of excitement in finding a missing piece for your own body, for your patients, and for your emotional health. I hope you get much benefit, return to being able to help people again and come do our training. Wish you peace.
Basmat's picture
Last seen:
5 years 10 months ago
01/17/2010 - 11:48am

I too read this article, but now I cannot find it on the web.

Has it been removed?

I found it so illuminating and wanted to read it again.



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