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Office chairs - basic principles?

lmtra's picture
Last seen:
3 years 2 months ago
11/02/2009 - 8:57pm
Office chairs - basic principles?
My new employer will be giving me the opportunity to test several of their stock of office chairs.  From the "8 Steps" book I gather that the back should lock, but in what position?  It seems that near vertical would be ideal for stretchsitting, is that correct? Any other pointers would be appreciated. Also, I've been frustrated trying to attach the Stretchsit cushion to office chairs as the strap is too short.  Is there an extender available? Just jamming the cushion in is unsatisfactory, since it has to be repositioned every time after momentarily leaning forward.

Maya's picture
Last seen:
6 years 1 month ago
09/16/2008 - 4:29pm
You are right about the back - lock it in an upright position. Make sure the chair you choose has space for the bottom to be back and the shoulders to roll back. (The Stretchsit cushion has a bit of thickness which should help create some space for the bottom below it and shoulders above it.) Chairs with very bad contours sometimes need some additional modification, as described/shown in Chapter 1 of [i]8 Steps[/i]. Make sure the seat bottom doesn't angle backwards (you don't want the hips below the knees). The Stretchsit cushion now comes with an extension strap, which was not available when we first began selling the cushion. If you use it in the car, the extension strap probably isn't needed, but if you are trying to attach it to an office chair, the strap can help. You can contact our office to request one if you purchased the Stretchsit cushion from us before we had the extension strap.

Gokhale Method Instructor
reggie's picture
Last seen:
13 years 3 months ago
04/15/2011 - 7:12am

It used to be easy to buy chairs for the office but not anymore since our health depends on it. Thank you for the information, we need reception chairs at the office, I trust the same rules apply here.

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