I have to concentrate so hard that I end up walking really slowly and look like a sick robot! Is this a normal process? It is totally exhausting? Is the objective to glidewalk only when taking walks, or should we strive for it to be the normal way of walking?
I really found the hip online class to be superb.. although a few online notes/memory joggers/key points for each class would be very helpful.
Thank you so much Esther - I'm feeling very hopeful that I will be able to avoid further surgery with your help.
learning to glidewalk
July 14, 2010 - 9:48am | 3 posts
learning to glidewalk
3 min 56 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
2 months 1 week ago
03/21/2014 - 1:16am
Not sure where to post my questions but given i am learning decided to put them here.
1. do older people who have glidewalked all their lives get hammer toe
2. what sensations should you have in the support leg through the phase of the other leg stride. ie what muscles should I feel working
3. is the ramping down of the middle glute when the foot touches the ground under voluntary controlo - i cannot seem to affect it.
4. does glide walking strenthen the muscles in the back that would help kyphosis - is it correct glide walking if i feel my head very slightly pulled back with each stride forward.
5. Can you glidewalk if you are slightly bent forward at the hips and feel apull if you try to straighten. That is also where i get sore if I glidwalk for a while. It feels like it affects the placement of my foot at the end of each stride.