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Relief is so sweet

Sweetbriar's picture
Last seen:
9 years 7 months ago
09/05/2009 - 8:08am
Relief is so sweet
Hello everyone.  I've been suffering with neck and shoulder discomfort for several weeks with no relief from yoga, massage or chiropractic.  I was doing a search and came across Esther's book.  I found her google lecture and website and immediately went to the library to get the book.  Last night I did the stretchlying after ditching my tempurpedic cervical pillow.  I would turn my head first to one side and when I woke up I would turn it gently to the other.  And then straight up.  I am amazed at how much relief I've received.  It's like the feeling you get after the most awesome massage but better.  A feeling of great relaxation in an area that has been so tight.  I did find myself wanting to return to my old sleep habits but I would turn on my side and attempt stretchlying there as well.  I'm sure I've not perfected it but it's been enough to get results.  I danced for years and it will take me some time to stop doing a pelvic tuck.  I've enjoyed studying the pictures in the book and look forward to finding my way back to natural standing, sitting, bending and sleeping.  Hope this post offers encouragement.   
nagle's picture
Last seen:
15 years 4 months ago
02/28/2009 - 5:53pm
That's so great! As someone else who has also experienced deep relief from Esther's work, I cna relate ... I still remember the first mornings I woke up after I tried stretchlying (I learned it from Esther in an intensive course) -- it blew me away how much better I felt in the morning. I hadn't rested that well in years!
Sweetbriar's picture
Last seen:
9 years 7 months ago
09/05/2009 - 8:08am
I'm a big yoga enthusiast and I took my first class since I've started stretchlying, glidewalking, stack sitting etc. I practice at home too but not with the same intensity.  I'm always a lot more warmed up in class.  Anyways, when we went into Warrior II I was amazed at the release in my rhomboid/trapezius areas where I had previously been experiencing tightness and discomfort.  It felt like my arms had grown two inches each way and I could feel a "relaxed" new feeling in that target area.   

I also ordered a buckwheat hull pillow since ditching my cervical pillow.  It came today.  It will be interesting to see how that works out.  It's a noisy little thing. 
Last seen:
27 min 38 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
I like a buckwheat hull pillow for structure but something soft on top, both for comfort and noise control.
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