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Glidewalking in the sand

MKA's picture
Last seen:
15 years 3 weeks ago
09/02/2009 - 8:42am
Glidewalking in the sand
I've been working on this for weeks, sometimes having an "aha" moment, thinking that I've got it.. but I don't think I do. I often walk 3-6 miles on the beach and although it's impossible to keep a kidney foot in the sand-- I do dig my heel in and try to lift and glide at a good pace with the opposing leg. Do you have any suggestions for walking in sand? One is often on a tilt too- if the tide is up :)
Last seen:
1 day 16 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
You lucky person that you are near a beach! Walking on the sand is one of the best ways to learn the foot component of glidewalking. Walking on the sand used to always be hard for me. But when you leave your weight on your heels, you don't sink into the ground as much as you move forward. And you really have something to grab. You do have to be careful that you don't let your foot just spread out unrestrainedly though.
MKA's picture
Last seen:
15 years 3 weeks ago
09/02/2009 - 8:42am
Thank you! I'll keep weight on the heel and try not to splay the foot. May I add-- your entire regimen is helping my spinal stenosis to a degree I never thought possible. Thank you for all your research and this wonderful book.
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1 day 16 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
That is wonderful to hear! Please spread the word - our goal is to reach this information to everyone who needs it...if you or anyone reading this would like to join our group of "Enthusiasts" please write to me at esther @egwellness.com saying "enthusiast" in the subject line. Enthusiasts agree to receive one email from us per week and dedicate 1-15 minutes per week in ways tbd that suit your abilities and preferences. Thanks!
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