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Adductor pain

jamini's picture
Last seen:
1 year 4 months ago
05/14/2013 - 7:45am
Adductor pain

Hi, I'm not sure if this would be a glide walking or a general question. I have been working on my glide walking and using glutes. I used to see a p.t. and they were helping me with my adductor muscle on the right upper groin, she said I was using that muscle to stabilize myself and not my hip and glute. I do have osteoarthritis in my hip. Any suggestions? The adductor still flares up on occasion. Thanks.

Last seen:
3 days 23 hours ago
07/05/2009 - 7:54am


Good to hear you are working on glide walking and using the glutes - but do let comfort be the measure. The adductor's do play a role in glide walking. If the pelvis and leg bones are not in natural alignmnent this can place challenges on muscles that they are not designed to meet.  If any activity, including glide walking, is correlated with any kind of flare up of a pre-existing problem its best to back off or change something. 

Pelvic anteversion is a keystone of our natural alignment as humans. Sometimes one side settles into anteversion more readily than the other. Ideally we want to work evenly on either side, in the feet, legs and hips. As a general rule engaging your Inner Corset helps stabilise the body and encourage symmettry.  The kidney bean shaping action of the feet is also significant.  The best way to go into this in more details is to see a teacher - there is no substitute for seeing what is happening in order to give detailed instruction - ideally hands on.



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