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stretchsitting in a chair with lumbar support

cmorris9's picture
Last seen:
7 years 10 months ago
09/12/2012 - 11:25am
stretchsitting in a chair with lumbar support


I have a chair with a somewhat exaggerated lumbar support (so the top of the chair sways away from my upper back).  I'm wondering if I can still use the stretchsit cushion on a chair like this, or if the lumbar support is going to interfere with doing it properly.  (It was kind of an expensive chair--so if there is a way to make it work, I'd be happy!)



charlenehannibal's picture
Last seen:
3 years 5 months ago
12/15/2010 - 7:51am

Hi Courtney, 


Great question.  Yes you can still use the chair with a Stretchsit cusion.  If you feel that the lumbar support section is stll jutting out too far and creating a sway in your back, then you will want to place an additional cushion/towel/something behind the Stretchsit.  This will push it out further than the lumbar curve, which is what you want.  Basically, if there is something to attach to at the thoracic (mid-back) then you will be able to experience a nice stretch in your lumbar.  If the support is too low, then the lumbar curve becomes exaggerated and your back is pushed into a sway.  I have worked with quite a few chairs without too much difficulty after some re-configuring with towels/folded sheets.  


I hope this is helpful to you!



Charlene Hannibal

Gokhale Method Teacher, Palo Alto/San Francisco

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