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Best recommended Car seat angle ??

liquid2g's picture
Last seen:
11 years 11 months ago
06/20/2012 - 2:45am
Best recommended Car seat angle ??

Hi Esther,

Love the book and my stretchsit cushion!



What would you recommend as the best angle to adjust my car seat at? 

Should it be a 90 degree right angle?

I see most ergo 'experts' recommend 100-110 degrees like here:



but am curious on your thoughts since your methods have worked best for me so far!


thanks in advance!


charlenehannibal's picture
Last seen:
3 years 5 months ago
12/15/2010 - 7:51am

Hi Luke, 

Great question!  We actually prefer people to be closer to a 90-100 degree angle for the car.  I wouldn't angle the seat back too much because it can often lead to tucking the pelvis and compressing your lumbar spine.  Leaning a bit back is not such a bad thing, since you have a head rest, but the important thing is to use it!  Otherwise if you are leaning back slightly on an angle it will take tension in the neck to keep your head upright. 

Also important is the tilt of the seat.  In the article you reference, the seat is tilted back, wheras we would suggest getting your seat perfectly level.  Again, the pelvis will likely tuck if you wedge your hips back on an angle.  With a level seat (which you may need an additional wedge cusion or a folded sheet/towel/blanket to create) then the pelvis is poised for a good Stretchsit in your carseat.

I highly suggest Stretchsitting in the car either with one of our Stretchsit cushions or another implement you can attach to create some traction at your thoracic level (mid-back)


I hope this is helpful to you!



Charlene Hannibal

Gokhale Method Teacher, Bay Area

liquid2g's picture
Last seen:
11 years 11 months ago
06/20/2012 - 2:45am

Great! Thanks Charlene. I'll try that out.

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