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How high on the back should the stretchsit cushion be placed?

ryanm's picture
Last seen:
13 years 1 week ago
07/18/2011 - 7:39pm
How high on the back should the stretchsit cushion be placed?

I got the stretch sit cusion and have used it bit.  Like some of the others, I slip a bit.  But I read Maya's comment on that and am fine.


However, I am not quite sure how high I should have the cushion positioned on my back for optimal stretching.  Please advise. Thanks!

charlenehannibal's picture
Last seen:
3 years 5 months ago
12/15/2010 - 7:51am

Hi there,


Depending on your height, there will be a range where you can place the cushion.  Generally, the Stretchsit cushion should be placed mid-back.  You don't want the cushion so low that it re-inforces any sway or arch you may have.  You also don't want it so high that you cannot roll your shoulders back easily.  Also, if you have any kyphosis (rounding of the upper back), and the cushion is too high, it will put pressure on the vertebrae that may be jutting back.  A good rule of thumb is keep the top of the cushion below your shoulder blades.  For a visual, take a look at the photographs in Chapter 1 of 8 STEPS TO A PAIN FREE BACK.

Please let us know if you need any additional help. 


Charlene Hannibal

Gokhale Method Instructor, Palo Alto/San Francisco

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