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Tight left adductor / hip flexors from Stretchsitting

Ad04d's picture
Last seen:
9 years 2 weeks ago
07/30/2014 - 8:26am
Tight left adductor / hip flexors from Stretchsitting


One small issue I experience with stretchsitting is that
I'm resting on my left side too much, which shortens my adductors/hip flexors on my
left side; I now can't lift my knee up when standing for more than 30 degrees. I tried
stretching these muscle groups, but I can't fully resolve the issue. Any tips?



Last seen:
10 hours 28 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm

I would definitely recommend going to a physician if you have these kinds of symptoms. Once you understadn what is going on, I recommend working with a qualified Gokhale Method teacher. Clearly you don't have a lot of leeway to play with so if you do any of our techniques, they need to be done right. Your teacher may guide you in stretchsitting slightly asymetrically - pushing down a little more on your left arm to get your alignment to be more symmetric. Good luck!

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