Hula seems to use similar movements to samba. Hips and legs move freely while the upper torso of the instructor stays in good posture. What do you think? You can see a clip of the video I am thinking of starting to use here:
Edited to Add: Now I have done the video. I think it could be good for using the inner corset and moving the hips. She does say to "tuck" once but I don't know why--you cannot tuck and move your hips like that. She emphasizes weight on the heels. Instructor has amazing posture; everyone else, not so much.
18 hours 53 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Cool! I see the video here now and the cover shows the instructor with very nice posture. Thanks for linking us to this resource! In my experience, dance is a particularly rich way of exploring and reminding oneself of healthy posture. Even if the instruction isn't perfect, one can adapt it to work once you understadn the basics of healthy posture.