I have just read page 33 of yoga magazine issue 76
trying to figure out what you are saying here (sorry being a bit dim)
it's with reference to the back bend and noting the angle of the ribcage. I can't picture
it have you got a picture of it being done wrongly and a picture of it being performed correctly?
best regards
Julie Tyrrell
back bend
May 17, 2009 - 11:15am | 3 posts
back bend
23 min 8 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Here is a good backbend. Notice how the she bends backwards almost exclusively at L5-S1. Higher in the lumbar area you see a small amount of curvature spread evenly over the entire spine.
<image missing>
Here is a poor backbend. L5-S1 is pretty stiff and she cannot bend backward very much there. Instead, she compensates by bending backward up higher aroujnd L1?L2?
<image missing>
What she needs to do is bend backward only a little bit at the right place (L5-S1) and restrict bending backward up higher by using the rib anchor muscles (mainly the internal obliques).
1 year 9 months ago
08/30/2018 - 5:59am
The photos are missing. Is it possible to upload them again? Or is there some other article dealing with this interesting topic?