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Zackback chair

Mom_3boys's picture
Last seen:
4 years 3 months ago
09/22/2009 - 11:12am
Zackback chair
Hi Esther,

I wondered if you'd ever heard of the Zackback chair
(http://www.yogaback.com).  It's interesting because it offers support in the thoracic region of the back, just below the shoulder blades, and also in the sacral region of the back. 

I thought if you hadn't heard of it before, you should know about it, since it is a unique design that may be consistent with the Gokhale method of seating.  I wondered, what do you think of the sacral support (good idea, not necessary)? 

It's definitely out of my price range in comparison to your Stretchsit cushion, but it's still interesting to know about.  Maybe someone out there has tried it?
Last seen:
13 hours 12 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Thanks for making me aware of this chair. Sacral support is good and not uncommon. Thoracic support is good and pretty rare. I would like to try this chair. I do a lot of experimental purchases but not in this price range! Let's see what feedback we can gather...
michael1016jl's picture
Last seen:
3 years 7 months ago
12/16/2020 - 3:20pm


Does anyone have this chair? Anyone selling it?

I am on a mission to get this chair!

Thank you!

Bjornv's picture
Last seen:
3 years 6 months ago
09/07/2020 - 12:33am


I am also curious what Esther and other Gokhale teachers think about this chair... If you carefully read their website, they might have a point that you only need support in the lower thoracic spine. I use a folded towel on a basic chair and my lower back feels better but my neck pain got worse. It's exactly that what they are saying on their website...


And if you read what they write about the sacral support, you might get an anteverted pelvis like the Gokhale method implies. They are strongly against lumbar supports because it will create a sway, so this also correlates to the gokhale theory. 


The big difference is the thoracic support => do you support the whole thoracic spine or only the lower thoracic spine? I am very curious what the coaches think about this...




Hectoro's picture
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago
01/05/2021 - 10:58am

What's the price of that chair? I couldn't find it on the webpage. I can't buy it anyway, but I'm curious. 

Nataliapinzon's picture
Last seen:
9 months 2 weeks ago
08/26/2023 - 10:30am

I too am really interested to know what the coaches think of this chair. Has anyone in the community tried it?

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