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Wool beds?

sieren's picture
Last seen:
12 years 4 months ago
10/28/2009 - 7:37pm
Wool beds?
Esther or Maya,
What are your thoughts on wood beds such as this one:  http://www.surroundewe.com/?  From what I've researched thus far they seem to be a very traditional way of sleeping which would go well with your method!  I have been considering getting one, and figured I'd ask for your input, first.
Last seen:
1 hour 12 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Wow, that looks nice!  I would have to try it out to make sure the buttons don't indent too much giving you a wavy bed. Please let us know how it works out if you get one.
sieren's picture
Last seen:
12 years 4 months ago
10/28/2009 - 7:37pm
Yes they do look nice, don't they?  Kind of like big fluffy clouds!  From the reviews I've read, people say that they are very soft and comfortable but provide good support, and breathe really well.  I'll definitly let you know how it is if I get one! :)
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