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Therapeutica Pillow

Georgia's picture
Last seen:
14 years 1 month ago
05/21/2010 - 3:55pm
Therapeutica Pillow
I heard about you through Mark Sisson's website, where I watched your YouTube Google presentation and then bought you book and have been reading and enjoying it.    I have a question about pillows.  I have been using a Therapeutica pillow for several years.    It has upper thoracic support and higher sides for side sleeping. 

What I am wondering if it has too much curve for the neck and if I should switch to a regular pillow.  This one has been very comfortable for me, and generally in the past, I've had neck pain from regular pillows. 

This link has a photo of the pillow and also diagrams of how the spine lies in different positions on the pillow.  http://www.painreliever.com/innovativechoices_therapeutica_1.html
Maya's picture
Last seen:
6 years 1 month ago
09/16/2008 - 4:29pm
Looks fine for side sleeping. It creates too much cervical curvature in back sleeping. However, if you are used to sleeping on the back with cervical support, you won't feel comfortable getting rid of it immediately - you may have to wean yourself off it by using a regular pillow but bunching it up a bit under the neck at first, and then, over time, bunching it up less as your neck tolerates its new longer length.
Georgia's picture
Last seen:
14 years 1 month ago
05/21/2010 - 3:55pm
Thank you!  It is very nice for side sleeping.  I have been trying to get used to a regular pillow for back sleeping and switching to the Therapeutica for side sleeping, but it's kind of inconvenient to switch pillows.    And the one I'm using for back sleeping isn't quite high enough for side sleeping, but it's also inconvenient to stack pillows, especially if I want to return to back sleeping.  Do you have any tips on how to deal with this, since it's common to change sleeping positions during the night?
Last seen:
11 hours 52 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
I use my arm for additional thickness when I am on my side. Some people use their forearm or hand. You can also bunch up your pillow or have an extra thickness under the sides of your main pillow (with your head then fitted into a "well") so that the extra thickness is there for you when you turn over. Some pillows have this kind of contouring built into them, though that tends to be accompanied by a cervical roll area, which I don't think its healthy.

Once you get used to a really comfortable arrangement you may find that you can do pillow adjustments half in your sleep.
Georgia's picture
Last seen:
14 years 1 month ago
05/21/2010 - 3:55pm
I was surfing the internet for pillows and came across this one.    How does it look to you?    Have you had anyone try it?  http://www.sleep-better-pillow.com/howworks.html    Thanks!
Last seen:
11 hours 52 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Take a look at the Amazon reviews on this one before you buy: http://www.amazon.com/Better-Sleep-Pillow-Position-Sleepers/dp/B002AUQUC0/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1275360834&sr=8-3. I'm not tempted!
Georgia's picture
Last seen:
14 years 1 month ago
05/21/2010 - 3:55pm
Wow!  Those are bad!    I should have looked there to begin with.  :)    Thanks!
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