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Posture good or bad?

lkeeley's picture
Last seen:
7 months 2 days ago
06/08/2015 - 6:24am
Posture good or bad?

I stumbled on this image of me from 2012 and feel like I look really good, but if I look from a Gokhale method mindset I wonder if I have a swayed back or just incorrect curvature because now I aim for more of a J-shape instead of this mid-back curve. Any comments on whether this looks healthy or poor? (Blue shirt, white pants)

Sheelagh's picture
Last seen:
10 months 1 week ago
11/27/2011 - 10:29am

Hi Ikeeley, I'm sorry I can't see the image.  Could you try to upload it again?  I'm looking forward to seeing the picture and giving you my feedback.


lkeeley's picture
Last seen:
7 months 2 days ago
06/08/2015 - 6:24am

Yea i tried to upload it several times and the preview looked good. Here it is again and on facebook if that works: https://www.facebook.com/DevonRowlandPhotography/photos/a.52117990456670...

Sheelagh's picture
Last seen:
10 months 1 week ago
11/27/2011 - 10:29am

Got it!  That's a great picture of you.  What dance are you doing?  Dance is one of Esther's all time favourite ways to exercise and practice healthy posture.  Good for you.  I do see a sway- do you see those horizontal lines in your shirt at the back?  I think a rib anchor would help lesson that sway by quite a bit.  The angle or curve that we like to see at L5-S1 is lower down than where your curve is.  You may need to even practice your inner corset and adding some nice length in your back while you dance (that will be an even better workout!).  Try to get some one to video you dancing with their phone and try the rib anchor and try the inner corset and see if that flattens out the sway.  Another option is an alumni class (if you have taken the Foundations Course) just to get the feel for the rib anchor and inner corset again.  If you haven't taken the Foundations Course the hands on focus and correction help make sense of it all in your body or even a one on one with a teacher for an initial consultation.  Don't forget your shoulder rolls and enjoy your dancing!

lkeeley's picture
Last seen:
7 months 2 days ago
06/08/2015 - 6:24am

Thanks it's swing dancing and I haven't been to a Foundations Course yet, just studying on my own at home.

Sophie Rubin
Sophie Rubin's picture
Last seen:
7 years 7 months ago
05/03/2016 - 11:39am

Hi lkeely! 

I'm a swing dancer and I work for the Gokhale Method. Watch a few video clips of the best follows in the world—they almost all have great posture. In particular, I'd recommend Naomi Uyama, Frida Segerdahl, and Sylvia Sykes.

Note in particular that where the lead's hand lands on the back there is *no* curve. 

A rib anchor and inner corset give a stronger connection a few reasons: the first is that there is body meeting the hand of the lead, and the second is that your torso moves as a single unit. Both allow for easier guidance. 

I think of a swing dancer's stance as being puppet-like. You can see this especially in old charleston clips of Al Minns and Leon James. The arms and legs move like crazy, the faces are super expressive, but the torso is a solid block. 

Cool fact: our Slovenian teacher, Sabina, is also a swing dance instructor.

Hope that helps! 

lkeeley's picture
Last seen:
7 months 2 days ago
06/08/2015 - 6:24am

I tried the rib anchor most of the day yesterday and woke up a little sore. Is that normal? I have a history of over-doing things once I first learn them. When I was told to put my hips behind me I created a crunched lower back and then had to find the happy middle ground. I'll keep trying to find an instructor in the Albany, NY area but otherwise just learning this on my own.

Sheelagh's picture
Last seen:
10 months 1 week ago
11/27/2011 - 10:29am

Yes, you might be a little sore from the rib anchor- those abdominal obliques are waking up!  Just take it slow and move in the directions of ideal.  Don't try for perfection from the outset.  we're all works in progress.  We do have a few teachers in New York and I hope you are able to catch a free workshop soon.  

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