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lfry3638@gmail.com's picture
Last seen:
1 month 3 weeks ago
09/27/2019 - 2:27pm

Could you discuss the pros and cons of using a rebounder? I was told it is good for bone health, but I don't want to do anything that would be a detriment to the gains I have made with my posture.

I was also told that the Bellicon brand is the best.



Sharana's picture
Last seen:
3 weeks 4 days ago
05/10/2024 - 12:04pm

Hi Lynn, I just saw this now. You have probably made your decision by now.  I researched and Bellicon was the best. I got one several years ago, and used it faithfully every day thinking I was helping my cardio and flexibility. I did not get it for bone health. It made my scoliosis so much worse.  I did not know I had scoliosis at the time, and was compressing my spine every day without knowing the damage I was doing. I needed to decompress my spine, not compress it. I called the NSF, and they were amazed at how fast my scoliosis had progressed. I stopped using the rebounder immediately as soon as my orthopedic told me to stop. I felt awful that something I thought was helping me was doing so much irreversible damage. I want to share this with anyone who has scoliosis or any type of curvuture.  Check with an orthopedic first before using any trampoline.


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