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Serratus important for Gokhale?

Elizabeth C
Elizabeth C's picture
Last seen:
18 hours 19 min ago
07/06/2020 - 3:00pm
Serratus important for Gokhale?

For shoulders and posture, I understand that the rhomboids are important and I see the rhomboid exercise in your book.  


What is your opinion on the serratus muscle and how it fits in with shoulder position and primal posture?  Do you suggest exercises that we should do for them too?


My pilates teacher often emphasizes the importance of the Serratus muscles when doing exercises.  Especially to keep the shoulders out of the neck when supporting the head during ab exercises.  And also when holding plank position.    

I feel she is one of the better ones as she always emphasizes the importance of a small lumbar curve in neutral spine.  



Last seen:
14 hours 29 min ago
11/12/2018 - 2:54pm

The serratus anterior feeds in to the obliques and under the lats in to the inside of the shoulder blades so it would be instrumental in the protraction of the shoulder thus is part of the entire core. It would be helpful in the stability of the shoulders and possibly assist inthe rib anchor. I would make sure it stays strong but not over develop as it could lead to hunching. Good balance is key.  

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