Hi there! I just ordered your book from bookdepository, it'll probably be here sometime next week, or later this week. I live in Portugal.
My main symptoms:
- neck pain
- back pain
- "tennis elbow" (actually "mouse elbow")
- Right knee pain (which I got after hitting my knee really hard against a wall, the xray reveals a tiny drop of liquid which doesn't justify further measures according to the doctors, except painkillers when it gets really hard)
(refer to drawing below)
When I was born I was delivered using forceps which made my neck swallow and purple. The doctor prescribed some simple exercises my mom did to my neck (basically moving it around) and the problem went away - apparently. As I grow older I had lots of headaches. Today I realize what I described as "headaches" were in fact neck aches...
The pain becomes unbearable when I sit down for more than like 30 minutes or stand up for more that 5 minutes! But interestingly enough, I can walk for like 1 hour. It is only if I stand still in the same place that the pain grows very rapidly.
Good news:
trigger point theraphy, 4 sessions, makes the pain go away for several weeks.
A recent session with an osteopath made the pain go away COMPLETLY for about a month and an half. I heard a really loud crack in my neck, I cream from fear, not from pain, and he laughed xD He said I probably had my neck out of place since I was delivered in birth. (I'm 23)
Now the pain has come back, I desicided to buy your book because when I did the exercises in the youtube video the pain decreased! It was so amazing! when I did the sitting thing and rotated the shoulders back the pain was suddenly less, unfortunately it came back when I stood up again......
The reason I'm writing is that when I do the sitting, even though the pain in the neck decreases, the pain in my back and knee increases! This specif pain in the back is a pain that doesn't respond to any treatment I've tried and I'm afraid it may get worse if I do the 8 steps!
P.s.: I've also bought egoscue book "pain free",I'm still waiting for it to arrive too and "trigger point therapy workbook" and "it's not carpal tunnel syndrome" which are already here but I haven't start to read them yet.
lol, okay, I spent like the last two hours doing this (elbow hurts!):
ps.: I forgot to signal the right wrist pain... probably it wasn't hurting noticeable when I was doing it.
11 hours 25 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Firstly, let me say that it would not be responsible for me to try to diagnose this over the forum. But here are some initial impressions / deductions I would make based on what you have written.
1. There is a strong muscular component to your pain. That's why trigger point therapy was so helpful. That's also why being nervous exacerbates your (neck) pain.
2. The shoulder roll helps your upper back because the weight of your arms+shoulders is no longer "hanging" forward and pulling on your upper thoracic spine. Beginners often have difficulty isolating the shoulder roll and tend to sway their backs when they reset their shoulder. That would explain why your low back hurts. If the knee issues are emanating from your low back, this explains why the knee hurts more. Or you might be unconsciously tensing up the muscles around your knee or altering its position.
3. The situation sounds complex enough it would be good for you to do a teleseminar appointment (we use Webex - I can show you slides, live video of me demonstrating things, I can see you on live vide if you have a webcam, audio, make notes, etc.) Call the office if you are interested.
14 years 5 days ago
09/26/2010 - 7:44am
Hey! Thank for the replie!
I've got the book - I got it a few days after posting: Stretchlaying on the side is AWESOME! I always had to move around a lot because every position hurted. Now I can just lay still.
A massage therapist told me NOT to sleep on the side because that would hurt me more and it is true, except if i do it the way your book describes!
Question: do you ship the stretchcoushion from the uk? Items bought from outside of the european union ten to not get trough portuguese customs without a really pricie tax