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Actual office chair recommendation?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Actual office chair recommendation?

Hi Esther!  As we all eagerly await the Estherchair..... aside from weighing in on options sent to you on the forum, is there an office chair that you would flat out recommend?  I have the lucky opportunity to replace my (current allegedly-ergonomic-but-causing-pain) chair at the cost of my employer.  Any thoughts?

If you're interested, this is my current BodyBilt chair:


The hump in the middle of the seat seems a positive thing ... it keeps one's legs separated.

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

Last seen:
1 hour 8 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm

There isn't an office chair I can flat out recommend. The one you have a link to looks decent in the seat pan - the hump in the middle helps the legs externally rotate, which is a good thing. Most chairs need a Stretchsit cushion added to the back rest to make them work for stretchsitting - this one looks like it can use one too.

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