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RussL's picture
Last seen:
2 weeks 3 days ago
08/31/2023 - 1:11pm

Exercises for spondylolisthesis that are recommended by various authorities online include pelvic tilting and knees to chest. Do these seem safe to you? Do you have particular exercises you recommend? I am having my first episode of spondylolisthesis, which is minor so far. I have a strong core, so it catches me as soon as anything slips. I've been practicing the Gokhale Method for years (learning from the book). I certainly find using my inner corset a big help. 

Last seen:
21 hours 58 min ago
08/13/2014 - 3:12pm

The effect of inner corset and rib anchor is the same as pelvic tilts and knees to chest without distorting the disc space between L5 and S1. If you have never worked with a teacher, I suggest you have 1 private lesson to make sure you are doing inner corset correctly and that your ribs are defaulting to an anchored position. This is most important for keeping the vertebrae in optimal allignment. I have found in my teaching that inner corset and rib anchor require the most support. It is important to engage the internal oblique muscles without tucking the pelivis.

You would also benefit from Stretch lying, both on the back and the side. The effect of these is similar to inner corset but the stretch and anchoring of the ribs is passive. When on your back, gravity will be on your side and with the length of your spine from stretchlying, it should be helpful.

Cynthia Rose

Gokhale Method Teacher


RussL's picture
Last seen:
2 weeks 3 days ago
08/31/2023 - 1:11pm

Hi, Cynthia. Thanks for your response. I certainly do stretchlying already when I sleep, both on my back and on my side. In terms of a private lesson, that would have to be online since there are no teachers locally. I'm unsure how to book that; I do see the opportunities of "Online Initial Consultation (25min)". Is that what you mean?

Kresyl Joy's picture
Last seen:
1 day 2 hours ago
08/12/2020 - 4:22am

Hi RussL,

Kindly email us at [email protected] or call us at +1 844 777 0440 (Mon-Sat from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm PST) and we will be happy to assist you in signing up for an Initial Consultation. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Kresyl - Customer Support

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