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Posture pictures: Still walking

Lemontree's picture
Last seen:
12 years 7 months ago
07/28/2010 - 7:17am
Posture pictures: Still walking

Here is today's version of me walking.   Am I getting closer to the ideal or farther away?  This walk feels like the front and back leg are perfectly in tune with each other, and it feels close to correct.  It feels better walking on grass than it does on concrete.  When I see my reflection in a big window, my back legs are straight and it seems that I'm landing on a bent knee.  I'm trying to land with a "spring in my step" and I'm trying to relax the swinging forward leg fully.  Any thoughts, Esther, or anyone else?  I would like to see a series of videos of someone learning glidewalking, from their first try, overemphasizing the movements, to the final thing.  (I dream of posting that video of myself!)


Last seen:
39 min 41 sec ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm

It's getting better - congratulations! This isn't easy to work out on our own. Keep going in this vein and pretty soon you'll look like the village women who carry water on their heads...

One thing you can work on is your swinging. It looks forced in this video. When you are walking at a leisurely pace, your arms will more or less dangle to the sides, moving relatively little. You only swing your arms substantially when You are using them to help you move fast.

Lemontree's picture
Last seen:
12 years 7 months ago
07/28/2010 - 7:17am

Dear Esther,

I thank you for the golden gift of hope you have given me.  Hooray!  Thank you, thank you.  I'll work on the arms - for that I assume that my rhomboids need to be contracted a bit.  

Thanks for viewing my videos and for your helpful and hopeful comments.


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