Hi Esther,
Thanks so much for your terrific work. I know that the answer to my 19 years of chronic back pain is to be found therein...
I've made much progress with just ten days of working with your book, but as my back has improved I'm getting pelvic flair-ups. I have fairly severe pain at the left ischial tuberosity (bad enough to prevent sitting), over the greater trochanter on the left side, and the lesser trochanter on the right. None of this is new, but all seems to have worsened recently as I've increased the amount of hip hinging. I'm wondering if I need to focus on increasing external hip rotation to free up space in the hip joint. I have over-developed frontal thigh muscles, extreme IT band tightness, and an unstable sacrum from a history of cycling and squatting with a retroverted pelvis. I'd appreciate any advice on how to moderate the pain so I can continue with my postural practice (I'm kneeling as I write). Thanks again for your invaluable contribution to the too-large community of the back pain smitten.
Best Regards,
Joe Starr
1 day 2 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
Sounds like you're overstretching your hamstrings. Anteverting your pelvis after retroverting it for years is already quite a stretch for the hamstrings - hiphinging may be taking it too far. 10 days since you started with the book? Maybe you need to slow down and give the hamstrings a chance to adjust to a longer baseline length. The fact that you have over-developed frontal thigh muscles gives confirmation that you have probably been using to walk rather than your hamstrings.
Once you have inflamed (hopefully, not torn) the attachment at the ischial tuberosity, this can be a slow-healing injury. I like acupuncture as way of lengthening by relaxation rather than pulling on the muscle.
13 years 11 months ago
10/19/2010 - 10:14am
Thanks so much for your response. I've been hinging at the hip to bend for a couple of years already--my hamstrings have been hyper-stretched for years, and I'm certain this injury was already in the making--but perhaps the extra anteversion inflamed things? Do you think acupuncture might help loosen up my IT Band, TFL, etc... so I could begin to let the posterior chain take over during walking? And what might be a safer way to bend for now given that my hamstrings can't currently tolerate the extra pull of hiphinging?
Joe Starr