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EMS electrical Muscle Stimulation units - please advise

artilugio's picture
Last seen:
3 months 3 days ago
04/12/2010 - 6:25pm
EMS electrical Muscle Stimulation units - please advise
Hi Esther I am a male, 58, 6 feet 183 lbs, in reasonably good shape: exercise 5 days a week, have gym at work, etc. Like 6 years ago I had an herniated disk and related disectomy, which worked very well, full recovery. I bought your book (started with it like one week ago) because I have had frequent lower back pain: and the yoga and pilates do not seem to ameliorate it and now I stopped both of them. I have only applied your first two lessons and they have been VERY effective, my mornings are better (thanks!). Here is the question: I find it useful the use of TENS/EMS units for when the pain flares, and they seem to work well on spasmed muscles. What is your opinion on these devices? Thanks in advance
Last seen:
1 hour 13 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
TENS has been shown to be effective for muscle spasms in studies, though not as effective as acupuncture (my favorite for acute muscle spasms). If it gives you symptomatic relief, use it - it certainly does no harm. But don't do just this, since this likely isn't getting to the root of your problem. Glad the Stretchsitting and Stretchlying are helping. Try the other techniques from 8 Steps as well and if you have a chance, take our Gokhale Method Foundations course - that way you will really get to the root of your problem.
artilugio's picture
Last seen:
3 months 3 days ago
04/12/2010 - 6:25pm
Thanks Esther I started doing lesson 5, I find it easy to incorporate it to my daily routine: I ride a bicycle to work (like 30 mins each way) and I do the 20 contractions during that time. In my case I have currently mild back pain (it vanishes in the twice a week Zumba class at work!). How long should I be in the 1,2 5 lessons before moving to the skipped ones 3, 4 and the rest? My original "plan" was to stay in these 1,2,5 like for 1-2 months - is this a good idea? 
Last seen:
1 hour 13 min ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
If you are navigating Zumba classes fine and you know how to to do the inner corset, it should be fine to start Lessons 3 and 4 with a mild anteversion of the pelvis. You might want to begin with Lesson 4, introducing a bit of extra length before you thrust your buttocks back just a little. Then straighten out the slight sway that might result and lengthen some more. If that works fine, then proceed to Lesson 3. Cheers!
aria.kabiri's picture
Last seen:
8 months 2 weeks ago
09/10/2011 - 8:55am

 I have been using the TENS unite after my accident and it works great.  I understand that it is very individual and it works for some people and it may not work for other people and is difficult to know in advance.  The best thing is to try it yourself. I hope that it works for you.


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