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It’s annoying that my laptop keeps turning off

SaschaTeller's picture
Last seen:
1 week 4 hours ago
06/05/2024 - 6:07am
It’s annoying that my laptop keeps turning off

Well, it's not really turning off, it's going into sleep mode. But it still annoys me a lot. It's inconvenient, and a few times I've lost unsaved text in documents because I got a call, stepped away, and when I came back, the laptop was in sleep mode. How can I turn this off?

AnnabelleLee's picture
Last seen:
3 weeks 10 hours ago
06/05/2024 - 8:51am

Check the settings. Honestly, sleep mode is pretty cool. It helps save battery life. Personally, it never bothered me. But if you don't like it, it's better to turn it off and avoid the hassle.

ScottPiligrimm's picture
Last seen:
1 week 3 hours ago
06/05/2024 - 11:59pm

I get you, honestly. I keep my Mac and iPhone screens on all the time. I like it that way. I disabled this feature on my iPhone right away because constantly unlocking it was annoying. And I just recently turned off sleep mode on my Mac after reading about it https://setapp.com/how-to/how-to-stop-mac-from-sleeping. Turns out it’s simple and takes less than a minute to do.

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