I am confused about what pillow I should use for sleeping. It sounds like Esther's book suggests using just use a regular pillow for sleeping and I assume that is for people with normal neck. I have a straight neck without much of a curvature in my spine(could be due to bad posture when young), so can I use a contour pillow to hoepfully get some contour back (at least not getting it straighter) or should I use a regular pillow? I have been using a contour pillow for the past 7 years (a chiropractor suggested that) and still suffering from neck pain, although it seems worse when I don't use the contour pillow occasionally. Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
1 day 7 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm
It is, however, important to go by comfort, so you want to pay careful attention to what makes you feel most comfortable. Seven years of doing something one way and still having problems doesn't sound great. I think it may be time to try something else. Read the book carefully and try to come to one of our Foundations courses. If there isn't one scheduled in your part of the country/world, you can request it here: http://www.egwellness.com/instruction/gokhale_method_intensive.html#city_form
The important things for your neck are length and shape. Try elongating the back of your neck gently on a regular pillow (put your head and 1-2 inches of your shoulders on the pillow) for a few nights and see how that feels.
14 years 10 months ago
12/26/2009 - 9:40pm
1 day 7 hours ago
09/10/2008 - 8:36pm