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Walking poles?

maheadibell's picture
Last seen:
3 days 21 hours ago
12/20/2013 - 6:41am
Walking poles?

I have a set of the nordic walking poles that are so popular today. (Yes, I lost my skis. Everyone asks that.) I really haven't used them since starting to take the Gokhale Elements Course. I will probably go back to using them but hopefully I will have correct posture and walking stance when I do.  Has anyone used them after taking the Gokhale Method and if so, how did that change your use of them? I was wondering if they would help or hinder correct walking. I would think that they might help but only after learning correct walking and posture.  I just wanted to ask if anyone has had experience using these poles. 

Jacob K.
Jacob K.'s picture
Last seen:
2 years 10 months ago
07/16/2018 - 1:46pm

Hi Diane,


If you do not get a response in this forum, this would be a great question for the 1-2-3 Move Q and A section. Esther and other alumni can chime in on whether they have any experience with the Nordic walking poles. 


All the best,


The Gokhale Method Team

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