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rscott's picture
Last seen:
1 year 3 months ago
07/07/2012 - 8:56am

Every morning I wake with a very sore lower back.  I tried the reccomendations for sleeping postures in the book, but that has not helped.  Next thought is the matress.  Is there a matress brand that you reccomend?  Latex? Springs? The kind that conforms to your body?  I have always chosen very firm matresses, thinking that would help.

Ideas please!



charlenehannibal's picture
Last seen:
3 years 5 months ago
12/15/2010 - 7:51am

Hi there, 

Stay tuned for our upcoming Newsletter, Positive Stance August edition, it will be all about mattresses!  If you haven't already subscribed, you can do so here: https://egwellness.com/civicrm/profile/create?gid=38&reset=1

Make sure you check your spam filter if you don't receive it, since it has photos it will sometimes get caught there.

Generally our recommendation is to have a medium firm mattress with a high spring count.  A soft pillow top can be useful if you are particularly thin or sensitive in your bony areas.


Charlene Hannibal

Gokhale Method Teacher, Palo Alto/San Francisco

Last seen:
1 hour 55 min ago
08/13/2014 - 3:12pm

I recently bought a new mattress and opted for one that has a few inches of softness on top, to cradle my boney parts and fill in my curves, with a firm layer beneath it. I opted for a mattress made by Brentwood Home that was sold by Costco(so it was a good price).  I purchased the Cedar model as it was the firmest one they offer on Costco's website. It's also made of Green materials which was a plus for me as well. Brentwood Home sells other models as well and the customer service was very helpful.

Both my husband and I love this mattress. If you purchase online most, if not all, manufacturers give you a trial period and you can return it if it doesn't work for you.

Cynthia Rose, L.Ac.

Gokhale Method Teacher, NYC

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