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Baby wearing

felicianocapicia's picture
Last seen:
1 year 10 months ago
02/26/2018 - 2:58pm
Baby wearing

Hello, i saw a picture in a recent post of Esther 'wearing' a baby, described as "african style" - the baby was being held in place with fabric i think. i'm wondering if you have any information on how to wrap the baby in the african style mentioned? thanks!

jon.ladiges's picture
Last seen:
3 years 6 months ago
03/21/2016 - 6:17am

Moving to appropriate forum.

Janine Watson
Janine Watson's picture
Last seen:
5 years 3 months ago
06/18/2015 - 10:43am


Our apologies for taking a while to answer but there were some problems that we have resolved, so to answer your question about how to carry a child on your back "African Style," here are a few suggestions as to where to look for that information.  YouTube has several good short pieces, so if you search for the subject "How to carry a baby African style", you will find various tutorials on type of fabric, how to wrap safely, how to position the baby, and other descriptions of this method of transporting a baby . Go to www. instructables.com/home/parenting and www.wrapyour baby.com which also have instructions.  Please be careful to practice with a doll or other inanimate object first.  If you need further information, please email me back [email protected] and I will try to help further.  Good luck!!

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