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Shoe Types for Plantars

Mona's picture
Last seen:
6 years 3 months ago
03/22/2017 - 1:12pm
Shoe Types for Plantars

Hello! I developed plantars fasciitis after walking barefoot with properly transitioning, and though it does not usually act up much, it often flares up when I run, or if I stand/walk for a long time. I went and bought a pair of shoes that the workers recommended for my specific gait, but I was wondering if I could have your opinion on whether or not it would be ideal for me to use them, or if I should stick to using the minimalist shoes, and attempt to heal while using them. Thank you so much, and here is a link to the types of shoes I bought, the 'Brooks Glycerin 14 Women Running Shoes'.



margaret haight
margaret haight's picture
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago
09/04/2014 - 10:10am

Hi Mona,  

Your question received the following 3 answers from 3 Gokhale Method teachers:

1)  It is difficult to fully answer this question without observing Mona's gait, stance, hip hinge, foot strength, foot shape, etc.  All that being said, it seems premature to run while still having plantar fasciitis flare ups.  The link is for running shoes, but is Mona using these shoes for walking as well?

In general, I would reverse what she is attempting:  stick to more supportive shoes with some heel lift and arch support and attempt to heal while using them.

2)  In general the shoes look pretty good, she can access if there is a roomy toe box. So maybe this is a case of trying them out. Kidney Beaning (shape) is very helpful for PF. My own PF (appearing first thing in the morning as opposed to Mona's which appears with use) is completely gone. Stretching and massaging the achilles and calf muscles can be helpful for PF. SInce Mona's appears with use that is not gait related (can appear with standing too much) make sure she has weight on heels and is not parking her pelvis forward. 

3)  I would inquire how she defines "properly transitioning". Many barefoot/minimalistic shoes advise a 6-9 month transitioning period, I found it was closer to 1 1/2 - 2 years.  I would also note the type of terrain she goes barefoot on; trails or paved roads? She may want to consider a shoe with more padding if on paved roads and until she heals.


I hope these responses will help resolve your plantar fasciitis condition, and your choice of shoes.

Margaret Haight

Mona's picture
Last seen:
6 years 3 months ago
03/22/2017 - 1:12pm

Thank you very much for your insights, I truly appreciate the time that all three instructors put into it. I think I have found the shoe that I am looking for, and the stretching has definitely improved my condition!



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