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high left hip and left shoulder, tightness in muscles along right side of body

cpiperil's picture
Last seen:
10 years 11 months ago
08/04/2013 - 12:51am
high left hip and left shoulder, tightness in muscles along right side of body

hi ive been having these problems for about 2 years now, basically my situation is that my left hip is higher than my right along with my left shoulder being higher than my right as well. i have more mobility in my left ankle left hip and left tspine and shoulder than my right, almost too much mobility. its like the right side of my body is compensating for this by tightening up everywhere. the whole right side of my back is tighter along with my neck. i have it band syndrome along my left knee but have more external rotation at my left hip than my right so it isnt like my glute med is weak and causing this. i just dont know what to do. i cant activate any muscles in my upper back at all my shoulders wing like crazy and i cant stretch my chest or lats because its like my shoulders are so unstable that the stretches just dont feel right at all. i live in champaign illinois i dont know if anyone knows anyone around this area that can help with this but its seriously getting depressing. 

thanks for your time

anth0nyaram05's picture
Last seen:
9 years 6 months ago
01/03/2015 - 12:50pm

I have this EXACT same issue.  Did you ever get it resolved or what stretches have you done to fix this... uve had it for more then 2 years and I'm very athletic so I've built muscle on top of this and now it's even worse and causing pain... it don't even sit correctly now... but if have very sympton u described to a tee! Please help

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