fbpx Colleen Burke + Esther Gokhale + Maya White + Rita Czamanske | Gokhale Method® - Primal Posture™ for a Pain-Free Life
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Colleen Burke + Esther Gokhale + Maya White + Rita Czamanske


"I had been suffering from sciatica, degenerating discs and spinal stenosis for almost four months. Esther began doing posture work with me and the results were quite dramatic. I recommend her with great enthusiasm."

Testimonial Author: 

Andrea Lunsford, Professor of English, Stanford University, CA

Repetitive Stress Injury

"While working on a book, I developed a version of repetitive stress syndrome that made my hands and forearms virtually useless. After a matter of weeks of acupuncture, acupressure and practice in posture, I recovered full use of my hands and forearms."

Testimonial Author: 

Gretchen C. Daily Professor, Biological Sciences, Stanford University, CA

Shoulder Problems

"The integrated approach and deep skill helped my wrist and shoulder issues immensely. In just six weeks with Esther, I was pain free for the first time in a year. Working with her was one of the only things that helped my wrist and shoulder to be pain-free. I think she is the best in the region for the work she does."

Testimonial Author: 

Laura Noss, Chief Taskmaster, Social Planets, Menlo Park, CA

Private Sessions

"My 84-year-old mother-in-law who has severe osteoporosis with multiple vertebral fractures and even sternal fracture was already sitting and standing straighter after one visit to Esther. I wholeheartedly endorse Esther Gokhale’s program."

Testimonial Author: 

Deirdre Stegman, M.D., Internal Medicine, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, CA

Online Consultations

"It works! What I have learned here has helped me teach and play without pain. I no longer need the prescription medicine I was using daily."

Testimonial Author: 

Darrick Yun, San Francisco, CA

Teacher Training

"The patients I have referred to Esther have, without exception, found her work to be life changing. I have employed her concepts and techniques in my practice and have countless patients that have benefited from her work."

Testimonial Author: 

Salwan AbiEzzi, M.D., Palo Alto Medical Foundation, CA


"Changing my posture changed my life. I am now free of the debilitating back pain that had plagued me since my adolescence."

Testimonial Author: 

Suzanne Hecker, Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA

Dance and Yoga Classes

"I practice yoga regularly and like the fresh new perspective on it. Slowly, over the last few months, I have incorporated the new postural positioning into my daily life, especially walking. This has occurred with only minimal effort."

Testimonial Author: 

Anne Curran

Esther Gokhale, C. A.

"The patients I have referred to Esther have, without exception, found her work to be life changing. I have employed her concepts and techniques in my practice and have countless patients that have benefited from her work."

Testimonial Author: 

Salwan AbiEzzi, M.D., Palo Alto Medical Foundation, CA

Pru Breitrose Book

I am delighted to see that the Gokhale Method is available in 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back. My own sciatica started to fade away after the first stretchsitting lesson and eventually went away completely during the course.

Testimonial Author: 

Pru Breitrose